PhD Network meeting: The concept of vulnerability

Register for the Vulnerability & Policing Futures Research Centre PhD Network’s latest online event.

9.30am – 10.30am (UK time), Thursday 23 May 2024


The Centre’s PhD Network is extremely fortunate to have Dr Kate Brown (University of York) and Professor Martin Webber (University of York) as guest speakers this event. Dr Brown and Professor Webber will deliver a joint presentation on the concept of vulnerability for the first part of the meeting. After this, attendees will then break out into groups for further discussions relating to how you as researchers use and understand the concept of vulnerability and your thoughts on whether that could be a potentially useful concept for your PhD.

This would be an excellent opportunity for attendees to reflect on how your own research may use vulnerability and to hear from fellow PhD students about their experiences with this topic.


Dr Kate Brown

Dr Kate Brown is Deputy Director of the ESRC Vulnerability & Policing Futures Research Centre and a Senior Lecturer in Social Policy and Criminal Justice based in the School of Business and Society at the University of York. Her research focuses on how vulnerability is experienced, governed and understood. She is especially interested in policy and practice responses to people who are deemed to be vulnerable and also deviant or criminal.

Professor Martin Webber

Professor Martin Webber is a Professor of Social Work at the University of York and a Vulnerability & Policing Futures Research Centre Co-Investigator. He is also a registered social worker. His research focuses on the development and evaluation of social interventions for people with mental health problems.


Person walking on a log in the forest. Photo by Jon Flobrant via Unsplash.