Dr Scarlett Redman
Lecturer in Criminology, Psychology and Social Sciences
Open University
Dr Scarlett Redman is currently an Open University lecturer in criminology, psychology and the social sciences, after holding various teaching and research posts at universities in the North of England. Recently, she worked for National Ugly Mugs, a UK-wide organisation whose mission is to end violence against sex workers. She held various roles here, including caseworker, researcher, and latterly as their research and education development coordinator. In the latter role, she worked with a team of 8-12 ‘experts by experience’ to ensure the ethos of inclusion and to uphold the charity’s emphasis of being a service informed by the lived experiences of sex workers.
Adding to this, her background revolves around delivering frontline support in organisations such as Victim Support and MASH (Manchester Action On Street Health). Beyond the sex industry, she researched on projects that have examined the nature of corrosive substance attacks in the UK, low pay for supermarket staff and more recently, the issue of Fixed Penalty Notices by police in the Covid-19 pandemic. For much of her adult life she has worked in roles that have posed ethical dilemmas, both in research and practice and it is this confluence of practical experience she hopes to offer to the Ethical Oversight Panel.