Professor Rose Broad
Co-Investigator, Vulnerability & Policing Futures Research Centre
University of Manchester
Rose Broad is Professor of Criminology at the University of Manchester.
She has conducted research on modern slavery and human trafficking, in collaboration with criminal justice agencies and non-government organisations, for over ten years. Rose has numerous publications in the area of human trafficking and modern slavery, including a book focused on the first empirical study of modern slavery offenders, ‘Demystifying Modern Slavery’. Rose is on the Advisory Board of the Modern Slavery Policy Evidence Centre and a previous Fellow of the Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology.
Rose is currently co-lead on the modern slavery strand of the ESRC Policing Futures & Vulnerabilities Centre with Professor David Gadd. This work focuses on the trajectories of modern slavery related cases through the criminal justice system. Successful convictions for modern slavery offences are very low and within this context, this project aims to identify what kinds of intelligence lead to different types of outcomes, what reasons there are for the high rates of attrition, what could be done at earlier stages to prevent modern slavery and how these factors impact the policing of modern slavery.
Rose is also a member of the Centre Ethical Oversight Panel.