Sat Kartar Chandan joins the Vulnerability & Policing Futures Research Centre having been awarded an ESRC funded White Rose Doctoral Training Partnership 1+3 Associated Studentship at the University of Leeds.
In 2018, Sat graduated with a Master of Pharmacy degree from the University of Birmingham. After working in healthcare, she transitioned into academic research, pursuing her interest in vulnerability-focused work for public good. She recently worked as a research assistant on a Home Office funded project, exploring police responses to rural domestic abuse, in the School of Law at the University of Leeds.
Sat’s research interests focus on vulnerabilities and young people. Her PhD ‘Adversity, Trauma and Resilience in Childhood Experience’ will explore the lived experiences and compounding effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences and trauma through personal narrative histories and trajectories of young people who have had contact with, and experience of, the criminal justice system.