Professor Iyiola Solanke
Co-Investigator, Vulnerability & Policing Futures Research Centre
University of Oxford
Professor Iyiola Solanke is the Jacques Delors Professor of EU Law at the University of Oxford.
Iyiola is an internationally renowned socio-legal expert conducting interdisciplinary research on social justice and law. Her work focuses on EU law, anti-racial discrimination law, intersectional discrimination, weight discrimination, judicial diversity and legal evolution. Her most recent monograph, Discrimination As Stigma (Hart 2017) focused on anti-discrimination law theory.
Iyiola founded networks including the Temple Women’s Forum North for women in law and the Black Female Professors Forum for black women in academia. She also sat on a SAGE sub-committee and the UUK Advisory Group to tackle Racial Harassment in Universities, amongst other national advisory roles relating to inequalities and discrimination.
Along with Professor Stephen Holland, Iyiola is co-chair of the ESRC Vulnerability & Policing Futures Research Centre’s Ethical Oversight Panel.